Known in Amazonian Shamanic traditions as “The Mother of all Plants”, Ayahuasca is your healer and your teacher – a cosmic tool that provides guidance, deep healing and profound realisations.

With Ayahuasca you will experience divinity at the source, unearth parts of you that seem lost, heal from past traumas and self-realise as an individual.  The medicine fosters a new pathway to an improved relationship with yourself and everyone you around you whilst allowing you to develop an awareness of universal connectivity.

Combined with a transformational coaching process that pinpoints your goals, prepares you for deep-diving into your true self, and strategises how to integrate the lessons you’ve learned into your post-retreat life, working with Ayahuasca is a life-changing experience for those who answer the call.


Healing with Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous communities in the Amazon basin to bring about healing of the mind, body and spirit. It has gained popularity in the Western world in the last number of decades and scientists are beginning to uncover its psychological, physical, and spiritual benefits. 

Each year, Yagéwaska works with hundreds and hundreds of patients suffering from a whole host of mental and physical illness. Ayahuasca heals those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD and addictions, as well as other mental health conditions. 

Current research shows that by rewiring neural pathways in our brain, Ayahuasca allows us to heal from trauma which leaves us free to live a life free from trauma and blockages. 

In addition to emotional healing, we work with patients with a whole host of physical illnesses such as cancer, digestive issues, auto-immune disorders, infertility and chronic pain conditions.  All illnesses are simply the manifestation of trauma and as such, when the spirit is healed the physical manifestation of the trauma dissipates

It is important to note that many patients come to us who do not suffer from any conditions or illnesses.  The medicine is for everyone and whether you simply want to gain more self-love and confidence, live a happier life or connect more with self, nature and spirit then the medicine will support you in doing so.  Ayahuasca is for everyone and will meet you at wherever you are on your path in life.

When working with Ayahuasca it is important that you are working with a very powerful shaman and experienced team who have the knowledge of how to support you through this transformational journey.

Indigenous Amazonian Shamanism

Yagéwaska is a Colombian Shamanic team led by our renowned indigenous shaman Taita Yoani.  Taita is supported in his work by a team of 6 medicine workers who are also greatly experienced in this work.  

Taita Yoani's reputation precedes him.  He is a well-respected leader in his community where he treats thousands and thousands of patients each year in Colombia.   Taita Yoani embodies everything that a good Shaman should be: strong, humble, unwavering, compassionate and with a profound understanding of the medicine. 

Over the years we have developed a huge following thanks to the unrivalled retreat experience that we provide.  We work from a space of love, honesty and integrity, and the well-being of our patients is the driving force in everything that we do.

Indigenous Amazonian shamanism contains a vast body of traditional and ancestral knowledge that has been passed from generation to generation. A traditional Shaman will have gone through intensive and extensive lifelong training in order to be competent enough to preside over ceremonies, cook the medicine and have the power to heal participants during ceremony. 

Although the lineage we work with and our ceremonial style is ancient and true to the indigenous way, we work with modern people just like you to help you to heal, grow and self-actualise enabling you to live the best life possible.

We have a massive focus on the level of preparation and ongoing integration support that we provide and are delighted to welcome you into our community where you will feel loved, guided and supported at each stage of your journey with us.

If you feel the calling to work with us, click on the button below to book a complimentary 30 minute call with the team. This call will enable us to find out more about you and allow us to answer any questions you have.

What Our Past Participants Have To Say

"I can’t thank the team at Yagéwaska enough, I am eternally grateful for the work they do. I felt deeply held and supported through my entire experience. A weight has been lifted from my mind, body and soul. I feel such a deep connection to myself, others around me, nature and the universe. I went to places within myself that I wasn’t aware existed and I experienced feelings which I always considered as off limits for me. A light is growing inside which before was almost extinguished and I know it will continue to grow with their spirits surrounding me everyday. I approach each day with inspiration and hope so I can further connect to myself and our beautiful universe. I have found an eternal family. I love you all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

- Eilis

"I wanted to send a heartfelt thanks for an amazing retreat. This was my fourth time on retreat (first time with Yagewaska) and what yourself and the team offer is by far the most professional, caring and loving experience I've had to date. You go above and beyond for those coming to sit with you. It was like nothing I've experienced so far, the attention to detail, the well planned schedule, the effort put in by the team, it all really blew me away. I will absolutely be back as the standard is so high now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to yourself and the team for making me feel so welcome and for guiding me through a life changing experience. For anyone thinking of going, book it! I was nervous going on my own but it was the best decision I made for myself and felt right at home once we arrived on location! It will not disappoint."

- Sinead

"This experience has truly changed me. I had felt drawn to this team to do the medicine for a long time. I’m so proud I followed my instinct. It has turned out to be the most rewarding experience, an experience that has truly woken me up. The support and care was there every step of the way, and the experience is something I will never forget, the work for me now is integrating all I have learned. I am forever grateful and I will return again."

- William

"I have just returned from retreat and it is quite difficult to put into words the life changing experience I have just had. Claire and the team were incredible from start to finish - all were very supportive and the aftercare was second to none. I truly feel I have made friends for life and would not think twice about booking again. I will be sure to return in the near future!"

- Michael

"I have just come back from the most amazing experience in my life, the healing and happiness I got from the retreat with the support of the amazing second to none. This was my second time, and it didn't disappoint. I truly feel very grateful for everything I got and received.

I had been in a really dark place feeling lost, having lost a lot of loved ones and having no joy or happiness, now I feel at peace, I have been able to grieve, and am smiling. I have so much to be grateful for. I am already planning my next visit. X"

- Kam

"I can honestly say that I feel like an absolute new person since my last ayahuasca journey.

My brain has been rewired, reconnected and I’ve never felt so much love and happiness. I am vibrating at a different frequency and the gratitude I have for life is abundant. The team are just next level. They’re always there when you need them they make you feel safe and they sing like absolute angels. I couldn't recommend everything about this retreat enough. Thank you from the depths of my soul"

- Lucy

"All I can say is WOW. After years of struggling with my mental health and having a very traumatic 10 years, I never thought I’d feel this light. It’s like my heart, soul and minds been completely rewired and it’s all thanks to Yagéwaska and the beautiful people who live and work there. The experience was the best weekend of my life and I feel like a brand new person. I can’t thank you all enough for the gift you have given me. I’m back home now more ready to take on life than ever before. I feel like I’ve been reborn. The medicine has thought me more in the last 6 days then I’ve learned in the last 6 years doing therapy. Thank you all and I loved yous and all the group I was with so much. Feel like I finally found my place in this world and more importantly, in myself. An experience everyone and anyone could benefit from. I love you all!"

- Shanene

"I've drank Ayahuasca on various retreats before the medicine came calling once again, and there was no doubt in my mind that the right place for me this time was Yagéwaska!

A medicine so sacred and powerful for removing the issues from your tissues. There was so much support, compassion, love and kindness provided to me from Claire and her team from the moment I first made contact. Would I go back to Yagewaska again over all other retreats? Absolutely! There is no other retreat that can compare to what I’ve experienced over these last few days at Yagewaska - such a life changing experience. To be surrounded by the most incredible loving group of soul family - I feel so blessed."

- Lorraine

"I've suffered from fibromyalgia for 5 years and the chronic pain from a car crash which makes me feel fatigue, brain fog, chronic pins and needles, sleeplessness because of the pain, burning sensations, tender to touch.  Straight after the retreat I could feel that 50% of my condition had been healed.  The fatigue that I've suffered with for 5 years is gone.  I'm ecstatic, I'm buzzing!  This feeling is running through every cell in my body.  I'm happy, I'm content, I'm just over the moon, I can't wait to drink with you all in Colombia to finish this once and for all.  I feel totally rebirthed, I feel different.  I'm speaking differently to my daughters and they're responding differently to me.  I have so much love for humanity, for other people.  I feel so happy and grateful and I can't wait for the next few months to see what else happens.  This for me is priceless, there's no amount of money in the world that would make me feel like this, I feel euphoria running through my body.  I feel like a totally different person, I feel like I can trust myself, I'm able to stand up for myself.  I just want to thank Yagéwaska for the calling that they had and the work they do.  I'm doing really well and I'm so happy."

- Michelle

"I'm not sure where to start. The team at Yagéwaska were outstanding from start to finish. It was important to me to find a place where I felt safe for my first experience drinking the medicine. Each member of the team is incredible individually. But put them together and they are the dream team. They took such good care of every single one of us. I'm calling them Earth Angels I'm already itching to go back, can't wait until the dates are released. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it!!What a life changing two weeks it has been. Two Ayahuasca retreats back to back.

Pushed my physical body to its absolute limits, expanded my spiritual mind and detoxed countless negative emotional storage.Surrounded by love, safety and support made me absolutely thrive to my best self. This is just the beginning and already my life feel very wholesome and blissful.Just simply beautiful to be surrounded by divine masculinity and powerful divine feminine energy. I am reborn."

- Nirasha

"2 weeks after retreat and I can honestly say I think the medicine has saved my life ! Big words I know but every day I am grateful for everything around me , I am happy , feel at peace and the inside pain I carried for 50 years has gone . I’m forever grateful to you all. My personal relationships are so much better and I’m so much calmer . I’m not saying every day is pink and fluffy (well it is most of the day lol ) but I feel I have the strength to consider and work calmly on things that show up . I am dancing through life and feel eternally grateful for life. Thank you!"

- Pauline

"My experience with Yagéwaska has been life-changing. The love, care, energy, and insight of the whole team is pure healing. I have sat with the medicine under their guidance and joyful care many times now and would recommend anyone to step on this beautiful path with them. I fully trust and love them to bits for doing this mind-blowing (literally) healing work so wholeheartedly, and simply for being themselves. I have shared tons of hilarious moments with them - it’s amazing how healing the deepest personal and ancestral wounds, layer by layer, ceremony after ceremony, can be so much fun if done with the right people, in the right setting, and with the right mind-set! So much gratitude and love to yous all, and to Madre Ayahuasca."

- Kate