Confirm your spot by selecting RESERVE NOW on this proposal above. Hit SUBMIT at the bottom of this form to proceed with your booking.


Located on the next page is your medical questionnaire and contract to complete. Both items are required to reserve your retreat spot.


You can make your deposit by clicking the link below to send your payment.
February 2025

Jungle Retreat

This is your chance to experience the incredible healing power of the medicine at it´s source of origin. This is Not your usual sanitised retreat centre catered towards Westerners. This is your opportunity to not only work with the medicine and experience Colombia, but to live the authentic indigenous experience.

Before After
February 2025

Spain Retreat

This is your chance to experience the incredible healing power of the medicine at it´s source of origin. This is Not your usual sanitised retreat centre catered towards Westerners. This is your opportunity to not only work with the medicine and experience Colombia, but to live the authentic indigenous experience.

1 Where are the retreats held?

Our retreats are held in our beautiful mountain retreat centre in Malagá.

2 When do the retreats start and finish?

They start on Thursdays and finish the following Monday. Therefore, you should arrive at Malagá airport before 12pm on Thursday. Check-out of the retreat centre is between 9am and 12pm on Monday.

3 How do we get to the retreat centre from the airport?

Transportation to and from the airport is included in the price.

4 What's the food like on retreat?

We provide a wholesome vegan diet in accordance with the diet rules set by our master shaman.

5 What support is available on retreat?

We are a strong team of 7 who provide you with all of the support and assistance you need in preparing for the retreat, during the retreat, and during the integration process.

6 I'm nervous; what advice can you give me with regards to this?

Just remember that everyone is nervous at first, however, you really have nothing to be nervous about. Everyone who comes on a retreat always wants to return because they have such an incredible experience with us and the medicine.

7 Is Ayahuasca dangerous?

No, so long as you disclose your medical history, follow the protocols, and are OK’d to participate by the team. It is very safe to drink the medicine. We would refuse to work with anyone with serious heart problems, for example, as it could be dangerous in these cases.

8 Can I take prescribed medicine and work with the medicine?

Again, this is something you would discuss on the initial call and disclose on the medical questionnaire because there is a list of medications which you cannot combine with Ayahuasca.

9 Can I drink the medicine if I take anti-depressant/ anti-anxiety tablets?

No. It can be very dangerous, therefore you must consult your doctor about tapering or coming off these medications.

10 Can I come myself or should I bring a friend/ partner/ family member?

Either or! Many people come on retreat by themselves and others bring someone with them. You will end up creating such a strong bond with everyone on retreat because you are all going through such a profound experience together. It’s a very loving and supportive environment, so you don’t have to feel nervous about coming by yourself.

11 Who holds the ceremonies?

Our ceremonies are overseen by our master shaman who has a lifetime of experience with the medicine. Taita is a very strong, kind, powerful and upright man who orchestrates the energy and spirits in the ceremony to ensure each individual’s healing. He is supported by Claire, Emmy, Carlos, Jaqui, Pablo and Freidel.